21-10-2018 - 21-10-2018

Presentation by experts to farmers of Nigade village regarding Zero Budget Natural Farming. Around 30 farmers were present

Project Details

Start Date 21-10-2018
End Date 21-10-2018
Project Cost 17111
Rotary Volunteer Hours 8
No of direct Beneficiaries 100
Partner Clubs HAPPY VILLAGE - A core project initiated this year Our club is working very closely with a few villages in the Velhe district under the HAPPY VILLAGE project. Efforts are being taken towards the development of these villages and villagers. It was a satisfying and successful visit. Villagers were present in good numbers for a guidance session arranged regarding the future of farming, farming technique and the impact it will create in their lives. The group had a mix of young and old farmers sharing their experiences and concerns. They were very happy with the interactive session and have committed to active participation. This effort will impact our present and future generation. Understanding this, glad to share that participation and involvement of our club members is also increasing. JOIN US!!!
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic education and literacy